Clayton MARTA Citizens Advisory Board
The Clayton MARTA Citizens Advisory Board will act as a liaison between the Clayton County Board of Commissioners and MARTA; and provide input in reference to community transit needs, function as a sounding board for project teams, provide feedback on study direction and analysis and provide an outside opinion on proposed funding, operation and marketing. (Created by Resolution 2021-40) (Each member of Clayton County Board of Commissioners appoints 2 members to this 15 member Board). (Resolution 2021-40)
The term of each appointee shall be for two (2) years. The term of any ex-officio member shall be as long as the position exists.
Number of Seats
Current Members
- Shanda Ross –Chair
- Alaina Reaves –Vice Chair
- Darola Cherenfant –Secretary
- Valencia Williamson
- Alfred Dixon
- Yvonne Mussington
- Dr. Tim Guiney
- Keith Parker
- Jewell Ryan White
- De Wayne Martin
- Mya Richardson Echols
- Shareka Cook-Thomas
- Steve Bernard
- Charlotte Fenn