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Dennis Nelson

Deputy Warden of Security
Ray Amey

Deputy Warden of Administration
Neysa Mayfield

11420 S.L.R. Boulevard
Lovejoy, GA 30250

Phone: (770) 473-5777
Fax: (770) 473-5783

Code Enforcement
Phone: (678) 610-4755

Refuse Control
Phone: (770) 477-3548

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Prison Rape Elimination Act

The Clayton County Prison has a zero-tolerance policy towards ALL forms of sexual abuse and sexual harassment at our facility. This includes inmate on inmate sexual abuse or harassment as well as employee on inmate sexual abuse or harassment.

Any information regarding sexual abuse or harassment of an inmate can be reported via the sources below:

  • Ombudsman’s Office
  • In Writing
    State Board of Pardons and Paroles
    Office of Victim Services 2 MLK, Jr. Drive, S.E.
    Balcony Level, East Tower
    Atlanta, Georgia 30334

In addition, inmates themselves may make reports of sexual abuse or sexual harassment through confidential phone calls to the PREA hotline at 888-992-7849, thru reporting it to any staff member at the facility, thru written note to any staff member, thru their counselor or through a third party. Third parties can also make reports of sexual abuse or harassment on behalf of the inmate. NOTE: Any report can be made anonymously.

Any allegations of sexual abuse or harassment will be thoroughly investigated by both Clayton County Prison and also outside agencies. For inmate on inmate allegations, reports will be investigated by GDC Office of Professional Standards. For staff on inmate allegations, reports will be investigated by Clayton County Police Department as well as Georgia Department of Corrections. Further information on the PREA policy can be found on the GDC Public Website or contact the Clayton County Prison PREA Compliance Manager (Deputy Warden Randal Holsey) at 770-473-5777.

Clayton County Prison has had two allegations of sexual abuse or sexual harassment since PREA reporting began in 2012. One was unfounded and the other was not criminal in nature and resulted in termination of a contractor.

Clayton County Prison Audit Summary Report

Clayton County Prison 2016 Audit Summary Final Report748.16 KB991 DownloadPreview