INTENT TO OPT OUT OF HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: The Governing Authority of Clayton County intends to opt out of the statewide adjusted base year ad valorem homestead exemption for Clayton County. All concerned citizens are invited to the public hearing on this matter to be held at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 4, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. Times and places of additional public hearings on this matter are at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 18th at 11:00 a.m. and February 18th at 6:00 p.m. Read More about House Bill 581

Go to Clayton County, Georgia Home Page
Where the World Lands and Opportunities Take Off slogan and airplane

INTENT TO OPT OUT OF HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: The Governing Authority of Clayton County intends to opt out of the statewide adjusted base year ad valorem homestead exemption for Clayton County. All concerned citizens are invited to the public hearing on this matter to be held at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 4, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. Times and places of additional public hearings on this matter are at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 18th at 11:00 a.m. and February 18th at 6:00 p.m. Read More about House Bill 581

Go to Clayton County, Georgia Home Page

Shauna Dozier

Jonesboro Historical Courthouse, Main Floor
121 South McDonough Street
Jonesboro, GA 30236

Phone: (770) 477-3372
Fax: (770) 477-4521

Office Email:

Military/UOCAVA Email:

Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Go to the Clayton Connected Podcast website

Poll Workers

July 2024 Become a Poll Official Flyer

The Clayton County Board of Elections and Registration Office is seeking dependable individuals to work on Election Day.

Working as a poll worker will not affect government benefits such as social security or public aide and is not reported to the IRS, unless you earn $600.00 or more per year as a poll worker.

There is a 4 hour training requirement for all Poll Workers prior to each election. This pay is contingent upon you working Election Day. If you do not work on Election Day, your training pay will be forfeited.


1. Must be a resident of Clayton County and a U.S. Citizen.

2. Must be at least 16 years of age.

3. Must successfully attend and complete training class conducted by Clayton County Elections before each election.

4. Must assist with setting up polling place.

5. Must be able to lift 30 lbs.


1. Must be willing to perform duties as Poll Manager, in his or her absence if requested by the Elections Office (which would require picking up election supplies and/or equipment and bringing the same to a check-in center). This is mandatory.

2. Must have served as a Clerk in at least ONE prior election in Clayton County.

3. Must have your own transportation to pick up election supplies and/or equipment and bringing same to check-in center, and be able to lift 30 lbs.

4. Must accompany Poll Manager on election night to deliver supplies and  ballots to check–in center.

5. Must assist with setting up polling place.

6. Must successfully attend and complete training class conducted by Clayton County Elections before each election.

MANAGER $ 365.00

1. Must be a high school graduate or equivalent.

2. Must have served in at least ONE prior election in Clayton County as an Assistant Manager.

3. Must successfully attend and complete training class conducted by Clayton County Elections before each election.

4. Must have your own transportation to pick up election supplies and/or equipment and bringing same to check-in center and be able to lift 30 lbs.

For more information please contact us at:

Phone: 770-477-4505

FAX: 770-477-4521


Click Here to Apply Online

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