Harold R. Banke Justice Center
9151 Tara Boulevard
Jonesboro, GA 30236
The Front Doors entering the Atrium at the Harold R. Banke Justice Center will only be open for entry to the public from 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding County Holidays.
State Court Services
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Harold R. Banke Justice Center is conducting modified operations as indicated in the Clayton Judicial Circuit Comprehensive Court Operations – All Phases Guidelines. Please ensure compliance with the guidelines to help prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Case information, court calendars, and relevant forms can be found throughout this website. Parties, or attorneys in any matter, are welcome to contact the chambers of the judge assigned to their case by phone or email if they have any questions or concerns related to compliance with these guidelines.
Adult Misdemeanor Probation
Office of Probation Services
9151 Tara Boulevard
Suite 3BS10
Jonesboro, GA 30236
(678) 479-5325
Jury Duty Information
Clerk of Superior Court
(770) 477-3400
Accountability Courts Coordinator
Deborah A. Boddie
DUI Court Case Manager
Amanda Tape
Telephone: (770) 471-7197
Solicitor General
Charles Brooks
General Information: (770) 477-3380
Victim Assistance: (770) 477-5808
License Suspension Information
Consult an Attorney or call the Department of Driver Services at (678) 413-8400
Law Library
Open to Public
Located in Court Administration Office
9151 Tara Boulevard
Suite 3CA01
Jonesboro, Ga 30236