Clayton County, Georgia Home
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Clayton County, Georgia Home

How Will this Project Work?

In order to capture information on the unsheltered homeless population, the Balance of State Continuum of Care utilizes both a street count and service-based methodology. The night of the 2019 unsheltered count is going to be completed on January 28, 2019 from 4am to about 12pm.

PIT counts use surveys conducted by service providers and volunteers to determine where those experiencing homelessness were sleeping on the night of the count.

The target population is individuals and families living in a place that is not meant for human habitation, such as living outside, in an abandoned structure, dilapidated housing, cars or other motor vehicles, or encampments.

The street count will involve volunteers going to places where people experiencing homelessness are located to administer surveys. This service-based methodology utilizes surveys collected at locations where individuals and families experiencing homelessness are seeking services, such as a day center, food bank, public library, or other service provider.

DCA will provide the survey instrument, training, technical assistance, data input and data analysis for participating counties. The survey instrument for the 2019 count will be the Counting Us app from Simtech Solutions.

What Can You Expect?

In order to conduct a full count we need to show that the entire county was covered. We will be recruiting volunteers to assist with the surveys and anticipate having 50-60 participate in the unsheltered count the morning of the 28th. Training will be conducted with those volunteers regarding safety protocol, use of the survey app and general information regarding how the data is used.

All volunteers will report to a specific meeting location prior to beginning their shift. The teams will consist of 3-4 adult volunteers. Each team will receive a map with a specified geographic location, identification badges, flashlights, safety protocol and emergency phone numbers – including “base camp, hygiene and other items to leave with the individuals surveyed.