INTENT TO OPT OUT OF HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: The Governing Authority of Clayton County intends to opt out of the statewide adjusted base year ad valorem homestead exemption for Clayton County. All concerned citizens are invited to the public hearing on this matter to be held at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 4, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. Times and places of additional public hearings on this matter are at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 18th at 11:00 a.m. and February 18th at 6:00 p.m. Read More about House Bill 581

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Where the World Lands and Opportunities Take Off slogan and airplane

INTENT TO OPT OUT OF HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: The Governing Authority of Clayton County intends to opt out of the statewide adjusted base year ad valorem homestead exemption for Clayton County. All concerned citizens are invited to the public hearing on this matter to be held at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 4, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. Times and places of additional public hearings on this matter are at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 18th at 11:00 a.m. and February 18th at 6:00 p.m. Read More about House Bill 581

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ARC Grant to Fund a Clayton County

May 17, 2022

For Immediate Release

May 17, 2022


ARC Grant to Fund a Clayton County

Study to Improve Safety and Mobility for Residents
(Clayton County, GA)-The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) awards Clayton County (including the cities of Jonesboro and Lovejoy) a $400,000 Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) grant. This program incentivizes local jurisdictions to study, plan, and implement vibrant, pedestrian-friendly projects that increase mobility options, encourage healthy lifestyles, and provide easy access to jobs and services.

Clayton County’s Tara Gateway Study will examine three land use locations along Tara Boulevard along, Upper Riverdale Road, the City of Jonesboro and the City of Lovejoy. It will include recommendations for pedestrian safety along the corridor to improve access to existing and planned bus routes and a reimagining of development along the corridor to make it a Gateway for Clayton.
“We have taken another important step in the right direction to help enhance and expand safety and mobility options for our residents,” said Clayton County Board of Commissioners Chairman Jeffrey E. Turner. “Working with our community partners, community leaders, residents, and business owners, we can effectively transform our community. We continuously seek those resources available to us that support our mission, vision, and strategic plan that ultimately enhance Clayton County, where the world lands and opportunities take off.”

Upon completion of the study, Clayton County will be eligible to apply for federal transportation funding for projects such as sidewalks, multi-use trails, and smart corridor improvements that help implement its plan.

For more information about the LCI initiative and grant recipients, access

NOTE: Specific grant allocations are subject to increase or decrease based on changes made by the LCI sponsor.