INTENT TO OPT OUT OF HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: The Governing Authority of Clayton County intends to opt out of the statewide adjusted base year ad valorem homestead exemption for Clayton County. All concerned citizens are invited to the public hearing on this matter to be held at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 4, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. Times and places of additional public hearings on this matter are at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 18th at 11:00 a.m. and February 18th at 6:00 p.m. Read More about House Bill 581

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INTENT TO OPT OUT OF HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: The Governing Authority of Clayton County intends to opt out of the statewide adjusted base year ad valorem homestead exemption for Clayton County. All concerned citizens are invited to the public hearing on this matter to be held at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 4, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. Times and places of additional public hearings on this matter are at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 18th at 11:00 a.m. and February 18th at 6:00 p.m. Read More about House Bill 581

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Chief Judge Keisha Wright Hill

Chief Magistrate Court Judge:
Keisha Wright Hill

Harold R. Banke Justice Center
9151 Tara Boulevard
Jonesboro, GA 30236

(770) 477-3444

(770) 473-5750

For information regarding your case, please contact the Clerk’s Office at
(770) 477-3443

Excluding Holidays


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Criminal Matters

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The Magistrate Court is the intake court in criminal cases. The Criminal Division issues criminal arrest warrants,  search warrants, sets bonds on most criminal charges, and conducts preliminary hearings to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to continue criminal prosecution of a case after the arrest.

What is Criminal Court?

The Criminal Court handles cases brought by the government against a defendant.

What type of cases are handled in Criminal Court?

Criminal Court handles arrest warrants, search warrants, and first appearance/bond hearings.

How does Criminal Court differ from Civil Court?

These cases involve prosecution by the government in Criminal Court.

Criminal Warrant Application

Child Abandonment Warrant Application