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David Vazquez

Chief Resilience Officer/Director of Emergency Management
David Vazquez

Phone: (770) 473-5847

1590 Adamson Parkway, Suite 370 Morrow, GA 30260

Operating Hours:
Monday – Friday:
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Shelita Broomfield

Training & Exercise Officer
Shelita Broomfield


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Emergency Operations Center

Introduction to EOC

What is an EOC

The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) serves as a centralized facility responsible for coordinating and supporting incident response and recovery efforts.

What is the Purpose

The purpose of the EOC is to provide a structured environment for coordinating resources, information, and decision-making during emergencies or significant events.

What is the Benefit

The EOC offers a command, control, and coordination mechanism, enhancing efficiency and ensuring a unified response to incidents.

Who works it

Multi-Agency Coordination (MAC) Group, EOC Director, PIO, Command Staff, General Staff and ESF Representatives.

EOC Operational Focus

Emergency Response

The EOC swiftly assesses impacts, identifies urgent resource requirements, conducts relief operations, issues emergency notifications, outlines mobilization procedures, defines decision-making processes, describes protective actions, and ensures security in heavenly affected areas.


During the relief phase, the EOC collaborates to share information with the public, conducts preliminary damage assessments for State and Federal aid, outline procedures for requesting Federal disaster assistance, and facilitates the relaxation of protective actions for the safe re-entry into evacuated areas.


In the recovery phase, the EOC focuses on restoring essential public facilities and services, preparing for Federal disaster assistance (both public and private), coordinating resources and materials, managing volunteer organizations, and overseeing the restoration of public infrastructure damaged by the emergency or disaster.

EOC Activation

The county needs a swift and efficient response to emerging events. Upon detecting an event, the Clayton County Office of Emergency Management/Homeland Security (OEM/HS) monitors the situation. The EOC may be activated when the OEM/HS foresees a need for coordination or resource support. Usually, an initial situation assessment is conducted for activation and decision-making.

Once the decision is made to activate the EOC, three processes must be completed as depicted in the Initial Situation Assessment:

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Determine Staffing

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Complete Notifications

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Perform Initial Activation Tasks

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Determine Staffing

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Complete Notifications

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Perform Initial Activation Tasks

Initial Activation Tasks is a checklist that aids Emergency Management staff in decision-making, while some items apply only during specific events.

  • Provide guidance for EOC staff on what to bring and expect, ensuring building access.
  • Notifiy Emergency Coordinators, Senior/Elected Officials, and GEMA Area Coordinator of activation.
  • Prepare, schedule, and provide an initial incident briefing.
  • Consider food provisions based on timing.
  • Assign next operational period planning to the Planning Section.
  • Provide ESFs with staffing guidance, suggesting a 12-hour shift schedule

EOC Deactivation

EOC Deactivation Process

Closing down the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) after crisis management.


Gradual process based on ongoing needs.


Involves the Executive Policy Group

Extended Recovery

Recovery activities my persist for weeks or months

About EMA




Code Red Sign up for Emergency Alerts

Local Emergency Operations Plan

Hazard Mitigation Plan