Cucurbit Vegetables
Join the Clayton County Extension Service for the Cucurbit Vegetables Webinar presented by Bob Westerfield on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. To register, visit #Claytonconnected
Join the Clayton County Extension Service for the Cucurbit Vegetables Webinar presented by Bob Westerfield on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. To register, visit #Claytonconnected
The Office of Digital Equity is offering free Microsoft Word training for Clayton County residents. The course will cover the basics of Microsoft Word: Anatomy of the interface, word processing basics, formatting text and images, headers and footers, and much more! You are welcome to bring your own laptop, but computers will be available at the training location. Register in advance to attend at #Claytonconnected
Su Oficina de Equidad Digital se ha asociado con EveryoneOn para brindar capacitación GRATUITA en habilidades digitales y computadoras portátiles a 30 residentes del condado de Clayton. Habrá dos entrenamientos de 8 horas: Para hablantes de inglés: dos sesiones de 4 horas Para hispanohablantes: cuatro sesiones de capacitación de 2 horas (13 de junio, 14 de junio, 20 de junio y 22 de junio) Los participantes DEBEN ser residentes del condado de Clayton y tener 18 años o más, y asistir a las 8 horas de capacitación. Al completar con éxito las 8 horas de capacitación, los participantes recibirán como regalo las computadoras portátiles utilizadas en la capacitación. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina para registrarse. TENGA EN CUENTA: sólo podemos aceptar 15 inscripciones por cada clase de 8 horas (15 en inglés y 15 en español) le notificaremos si se lo agregará a nuestra lista de espera. Estamos muy entusiasmados con esta oportunidad de brindar capacitación y dispositivos digitales gratuitos a los residentes necesitados del condado de Clayton, y esperamos trabajar con todos ustedes para cerrar la “brecha digital” en el condado de Clayton, un hogar a la vez.
Presented by Tashe' Allen in partnership with Commissioner Felicia Franklin, Vice Chair of the Clayton County Board of Commissioners, is hosting a First-Time Homebuyer Education Seminar on Sat., June 24, 2023, from 11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. at Jim Huie Recreation Center, 9045 Tara Blvd., Jonesboro, GA 30236. Register in advance at #Claytonconnected
Join Commissioner Gail Hambrick and the Virginia Gray Recreational Staff for the Juneteenth Jazz Festival featuring Violinist Ken Ford on Saturday, June 24, 2023, from 5-8 p.m. at Flat Shoals Park, 1915 Flat Shoals Park, Riverdale, GA 30296. This free event will have food, prizes, vendors, local artists, spoken word, and the chance to check out Clayton County's new, gigantic mobile clinic. #Claytonconnected *Overflow Parking & Shuttle Service available from North Clayton Middle School, 5415 W. Fayetteville Rd, College Park, GA 30349.
Commissioner DeMont Davis is hosting the 18th Annual Janice A. Coye Memorial Invitational Golf Tournament Fundraiser in conjunction with the Clayton County Alzheimer's Services Center. Registration and breakfast is at 8:00 a.m., tee time at 10:00 a.m., and lunch and awards reception at 2:30 p.m. Golf pricing is: $125 per player and $425 per team. Registration deadline is June 9, 2023. Visit to download the sponsorship package. For more information, call 470-885-3250. #Claytonconnected
Do you have a technical issue or question and need answers, like "Why is my computer so slow?", "How do I attach a file to an email?", "How do I download an app from the App Store?", "Why do I need a VPN?", "What is the cloud?" The Office of Digital Equity is excited to host "Tech Talk with Kenny", an open discussion where you can ask technical questions and get answers. Register in advance to attend at #Claytonconnected
Join us virtually on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, from 10 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. to learn the systematic process of doing business with Clayton County. Learn where to find resources for a business license, certifications, and contracting opportunities. This workshop is an overview. Scan the QR or visit: to register. For more information, call Clayton County Central Services at 770-477-3587. #Claytonconnected
Clayton County Parks and Recreation Presents Fishing Derby Series. This series will be located at International Park, 2300 Hwy 138 S.E., Jonesboro, GA 30236, at the upper lake from 8 am - 12 pm. Fishing Derby's will be held once a month from May to August with the Youth Fishing Derby as the kick-off for the series. Bring your poles and bait for a chance to win a prize with your largest catch! Visit or call 770-347-0201 for details. #Claytonconnected
Join us on July 1, 2023, to celebrate the first anniversary of our office opening. We want you to know all about our digital equity initiatives, why our office is necessary to close the “digital divide” in Clayton County, and to introduce you to our amazing staff, partners, and stakeholders. There will be food, music, entertainment, and laptop giveaways. Yes! Another laptop giveaway!* #Acess4Clayton #Claytonconnected * Clayton County residents that register to attend will be entered into a drawing to receive a free laptop. You MUST be a Clayton County resident, present at the time of the drawing, 18+ years old, and have a valid Clayton County address to participate.
Join us on July 1, 2023, to celebrate the first anniversary of our office opening. We want you to know all about our digital equity initiatives, why our office is necessary to close the “digital divide” in Clayton County, and to introduce you to our amazing staff, partners, and stakeholders. There will be food, music, entertainment, and laptop giveaways. Yes! Another laptop giveaway!* #Acess4Clayton #Claytonconnected * Clayton County residents that register to attend will be entered into a drawing to receive a free laptop. You MUST be a Clayton County resident, present at the time of the drawing, 18+ years old, and have a valid Clayton County address to participate.
Commissioner Dr. Alieka Anderson in partnership with Christian Life Center Worldwide presents a Community Fest, Saturday, July. 1, 2023, from 12 p.m. - 9 p.m. at 6337 Hwy. 42 Rex, GA 30273. Register now at #Claytonconnected