INTENT TO OPT OUT OF HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: The Governing Authority of Clayton County intends to opt out of the statewide adjusted base year ad valorem homestead exemption for Clayton County. All concerned citizens are invited to the public hearing on this matter to be held at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 4, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. Times and places of additional public hearings on this matter are at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 18th at 11:00 a.m. and February 18th at 6:00 p.m. Read More about House Bill 581

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Where the World Lands and Opportunities Take Off slogan and airplane

INTENT TO OPT OUT OF HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: The Governing Authority of Clayton County intends to opt out of the statewide adjusted base year ad valorem homestead exemption for Clayton County. All concerned citizens are invited to the public hearing on this matter to be held at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 4, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. Times and places of additional public hearings on this matter are at 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 on February 18th at 11:00 a.m. and February 18th at 6:00 p.m. Read More about House Bill 581

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Essentials of Community Cybersecurity and Preparedness for Cyber Incidents

Office of Emergency Management 1590 Adamson Parkway. Suite 370, Morrow

The Essentials of Community Cybersecurity (ECCS) (AWR136)course provides individuals, community leaders, and first responders with information on how cyber attacks can impact, prevent, and/or stop operations and emergency responses in a community. The course also provides a cursory introduction to cybersecurity vulnerabilities, risks, threats, and countermeasures. It explains vulnerabilities of computer systems and networks and how these vulnerabilities can affect communities, organizations, and daily workplace operations. The course introduces actions communities can take in establishing a cybersecurity program. The course provides participants with an awareness of issues. It gives an overview of threats and vulnerabilities, without going into too many details, to highlight the potential impact a cyber attack could have. Participants discuss some of the fundamental activities needed to develop a cybersecurity program, without addressing the technical details of how to secure critical infrastructures. The course introduces the Community Cybersecurity Maturity Model (CCSMM) as a framework for understanding community cybersecurity and offers a brief introduction to low-cost or no-cost approaches to securing a community against cybersecurity threats and attacks. The course sets the stage for further efforts in which a community can build a cybersecurity program. Register for Course (Both links are required for registration): GEMA Registration myTEEX Student […]


Board of Commissioners Regular Business Meeting

Board of Commissioners Board Room 112 Smith Street, Jonesboro

1st Tuesday of each month – Regular Business Meeting – 6:00 p.m. 2nd Tuesday of each month – Committee of the Whole Meeting/Work Session – 5:30 p.m. 3rd Tuesday of each month – Regular Business Meeting w/Zoning Hearings – 6:00 p.m. 4th and/or 5th Tuesday of each month – No meeting View Board Meeting Agendas and Livestream ZONING MEETINGS: The Board of Commissioners shall consider zoning matters as part of the Board’s Agenda of its regular meeting held on the third Tuesday of each month. Changes in the scheduling of any of the above meetings or notifications of Special Called Meetings or Work Sessions will be posted at least 24 hours in advance. All meetings and pre-meetings are open to the public, except for those occasions involving matters that are specifically exempt by the Georgia Open Meetings Law.

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